Theatre Askew Inc. © 2008
PO Box 1603 Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276
A 501 (C) (3) Corporation
How do we inspire, involve, and mentor LGBTQA youth?
Meet TAYPE - the Theatre Askew Youth Performance Experience. TAYPE is an educational theatre program that empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and their allies in the New York area by nurturing and developing their unique theatrical voices.
Under the mentorship of working artists within a professional theatre company, TAYPE participants are guided through the creation and production of self-generated and collaborative theatre projects that hone vital life skills in communication, teamwork, and leadership. TAYPE performances are presented as part of Theatre Askew’s annual programming in order to connect a broad and diverse community with the next generation of LGBTQ voices.
The TAYPE program, informed by Theatre Askew’s concern for the outsider perspective, provides a safe, creative forum for the often isolated and unheard youth of the LGBTQ population.