Theatre Askew Inc. © 2008
PO Box 1603 Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276
A 501 (C) (3) Corporation
Want to learn more about our colleagues, company, and friend? Check out these links.
Jason Jacobs | directing website
Alexendra Beller | dance-theatre impressario
Kathryn Blume | actor/writer/activist triple-threat
Fractured Atlas |liberating, supporting, and health-insuring the artist!
Polly Frost | brilliant creator of erotica+horror+social satire
Julio Vincent Gambuto | smartest, funniest new voice from Staten Island
Lynn Harris | relationship superhero and so much more
Chris Kalb | Web and Graphics Wunderkind
Jeremy Lawrence | your one-man stop for Tennessee Williams, Albert Einstein, and rescuer of lost queer songs for Weimar cabaret
Joanna Parson | comedienne, actress, and constant inspiration!
Jill Plevan | Amazing healing and acupuncture found here
Robin Vest | Stage design magician
viBe Theatre Experience | empowering theatre program for teen women | New York's independent theatre-makers have no greater friend than Martin Denton and his website.