YES! I/We want to help THEATRE ASKEW become the exemplary queer theatre of the 21st century by providing
the following level of support:
FRIEND ($0-$99) - Listing in program
PLAYER ($100 - $249) - Listing in program;
invite to opening night parties
DIVA ($250-499) - Listing in program;
invite to opening night parties, special events, and readings
ANGEL ($500-$999) - Listing in program;
invite to opening night parties, special events, readings, and dress rehearsals
IMPRESARIO ($1000 - $4999) Listing in program;
invite to opening night parties, special events, readings, dress rehearsals; invitation to annual gala event; and opportunity
for play reading/scene presentation in your home
SPONSOR ($5000 and over) all of the above,
plus recognition on cover of program and optional weblink to your company’s website from